Author: ford_aaron

CTE Month

CTE Month® is a public awareness campaign ACTE holds each February to celebrate Career and Technical Education and the achievements and accomplishments of CTE programs across the country. CTE Month 2016, with its theme of “Opportunities for Career Success”, gives you the chance to tell stories of leadership and excellence from your local CTE programs […]


CETC Restaurant Naming Contest

The Career Elevation and Technology Center Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) chapter is having a restaurant naming contest. The contest is running from October 15th to the 30th.  The writers of the top three names will be chosen and given prizes by our CETC FCCLA chapter. We welcome ALL students to participate. […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center Open House

The Career Elevation and Technology Center (CETC) is having an Open House, Wednesday August 19th from 3 to 6.  All are invited to attend.  Meet teachers and staff.  Learn about all available programs just waiting for your high school student to take advantage of.  Do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity. The CETC is located at 1200 […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center