Category: Uncategorized

CETC Open House 12/4/24

CETC Open House and CETC 2025/2026 CAREER ELEVATION & TECHNOLOGY CENTER OPEN HOUSE: DECEMBER 4th 3:30-7:00PM // 1200 S. SUNSET ST, LONGMONT REQUEST FOR 2025/26 CETC CLASSES DECEMBER 4 – FEBRUARY 4. 1. Log into the Infinite Campus Student Portal Select the Academic Planning dropdown at left; click ‘Next’3. Scroll down to ‘Practical Arts’ heading towards the bottom of […]


CETC Plant Sale

Please join us for are CETC Plant Sale. Where you can find: Annual Bedding Plants Hanging Baskets Patio Planters Succulents House Plants Herbs Vegetable Starters Perennials We also will be selling Manufacturing and Multimedia Students Projects Event Details: May 3-4 9am-4pm May 6-10 ( or until sold out) 9am-4pm Cash or Check Only Prices Range […]


Manufacturing Parent Night

Join us for our Manufacturing Parent Night on: CETC in partnership with numerous Boulder and Weld County manufacturing industry partners, this event will provide valuable insights into the dynamic world of manufacturing and highlight the exciting career prospects it offers. Whether you’re a student contemplating your future career path or a parent seeking guidance and information […]


CETC Back To School Night

Tuesday, August 15, 2023, from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM. During Back to School Night, teachers will host two program information sessions. The first session will take place from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, followed by the second session from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Please select one of these sessions to attend. No signup […]


CETC students first day of class and bus schedule

A Day Students August 21st B Day Students August 22nd Bus schedule: 2023-2024 DAILY SCHEDULE CAREER ELEVATION & TECHNOLOGY CENTER 8:10 – 10:58 Blocks A1/2 or B5/6—-11:32 – 2:20 Blocks A3/4 or B7/8 2023-2024 HORARIO DIARIO CAREER ELEVATION & TECHNOLOGY CENTER 8:10 – 10:58 Blocks A1/2 or Blocks B5/6—-11:32 – 2:20 A3/4 or B7/8


Growing Success: CETC’s Agricultural Program Cultivates Academic Excellence and a Bright Future

For over a century, formal agriculture education has been an integral part of public education, offering students a vast number of opportunities to explore the science, business, and technology of plant and animal production. While some may associate agricultural education only with traditional farming and ranching, it actually encompasses a diverse array of career options […]



25 % off remaining plants! 1200 South Sunset Street Longmont, Co 80501 DATES AND TIMES May 5-6 9am-4pm May 8-12 9am-4pm (or until sold out) Cash or check only INVENTORY Annual bedding plants Hanging baskets Patio planters Succulents  Herbs Vegetable starts Back this year: Perennials


The Career Elevation and Technology Center of St. Vrain Valley Schools Celebrates 50 Years

For over 50 years, The Career Elevation Technology Center (CETC), formerly known as Career Development Center, has provided robust career and technical opportunities for students across St. Vrain Valley Schools. At the CETC, students have access to eight different career pathways: Advanced Manufacturing, Automotive Technology, Agricultural Science, Health Services, Interactive Media Technology, Internships, Prostart & […]

CETC 2023/24 school year Course Registration

CETC 2023/24 COURSE REGISTRATION WINDOW OPENS: November 30, 2022 through February 3rd, 2023 Log in to the Infinite Campus portal at: Select the Academic Planning dropdown at left; click ‘Next’ Scroll down to ‘Practical Arts’ heading towards the bottom of the page Selecxt the text box for the upcoming school-year (2023/2024) Enter the CETC […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center