Author: peinado_eunice

Annual Plant Sale Creates Opportunities for Future CETC Agriscience Leaders

For more than five decades, the annual plant sale has remained the culminating celebration of the Horticulture and Agriscience Program at the Career Elevation and Technology Center (CETC). The program provides students with a comprehensive understanding of plant and animal production, equipping them with the necessary skills for a successful career. Lauren Hart, Agriscience Instructor […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center’s Annual Plant Sale Returns for 2024

Join us in supporting our Agricultural Sciences program at the Career Elevation and Technology Center’s annual plant sale. This event, a beloved community tradition and a culmination of the year-long efforts of St. Vrain’s agriscience students, showcases the program’s focus on providing students with hands-on experience and leadership development in agricultural careers. Students have cultivated […]

Manufacturing Parent Night

Join us for our Manufacturing Parent Night on: CETC in partnership with numerous Boulder and Weld County manufacturing industry partners, this event will provide valuable insights into the dynamic world of manufacturing and highlight the exciting career prospects it offers. Whether you’re a student contemplating your future career path or a parent seeking guidance and information […]


2023 St. Vrain 4.0+ Grads Around the World

 We are preparing our students for their future by giving them a strong competitive advantage and cultivating a drive for learning and continued growth.  See where our 4.0+ graduates are attending college in the fall. Students who have graduated with a 4.0 GPA or higher: Cullen Aasmundstad-WilliamsCassidy AdamsHosannah AdamsMadelynne AdamsJaedyn AdlerHugo AguirreAndrew AlbertsKaterina AleksievGutierrez AlexandraAlyse […]

Growing Success: CETC’s Agricultural Program Cultivates Academic Excellence and a Bright Future

For over a century, formal agriculture education has been an integral part of public education, offering students a vast number of opportunities to explore the science, business, and technology of plant and animal production. While some may associate agricultural education only with traditional farming and ranching, it actually encompasses a diverse array of career options […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center