Veterinary Science

Designed to expose students to all aspects of the veterinary field. The course will cover: Animals in Society and Research, Veterinary Laws and Ethics, Business Management, Veterinary Medical Terminology, Veterinary Equipment, Mathematical Applications in Veterinary Science, External and Internal Anatomy in Dogs, Cats, and Livestock, Animal Behavior, Veterinary Practices in Animal Handling and Identification, Clincial Exams and Vital Signs, Blood Samples, Sutures, and Injections, Laboratory, Hospital and Surgical Procedures, and Pharmacology. Students will analyze the concepts and principles of agriculture in society, revise their career and educational goals, enhance personal, leadership, and career skills, and evaluate their progress and plan for achievement through continued work within SAE.

*Industry Certificate(s) Available*

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
CTE 9328
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
1.0 Science Credit
Course Fee
$10.00 FFA Membership - required by state
Introduction to Agriscience CTE 9301
Career Elevation and Technology Center