Author: ford_aaron

CETC students participate in Film Festival

The St. Vrain Valley Student Film Festival is planned and presented by the Career and Technical Student Organizations of the Interactive Media students from Career Developmet Center and Stage Tech crew from Niwot High School. SVVSFF is open to middle and high school students in St. Vrain Valley, Thompson, and Boulder Valley School Districts. 


CETC students attend Longmont Estates Career Fair

Students from the different programs at Career Elevation and Technology Center participated in the Longmont Estates Career Fair. Students from each program had a hands on activity for the elementary students to participate in. ALl the students had a great time. 


Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Adoption Public Review

Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Adoption Public Review The elementary social studies curriculum adoption committee is reviewing three programs after starting the process with six programs.  The three programs are from Nystrom, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and McGraw Hill.  The three programs will be available for public review on Monday, February 25 and Tuesday, February 26 from 3:00 […]

Traveling trophy

Welding students at the Career Elevation and Technology Center fabricated a traveling trophy for #stvrainstorm–the school with the most tweets will get to keep the trophy for a month.


Veterinary Science Students field day at the National Western Stock Show

Veterinary Science Students from the Career Elevation and Technology Center were invited to attend vet 101 field day hosted by the National Western Stock Show. Only two schools were invited to this event this year. The students spent the day working through live animal rotations with practicing veterinarians of different specialties. 

Career Elevation and Technology Center