Author: ford_aaron

2016 Manufacturing Tours

The 2016 Manufacturing Tours are coming soon.  The tours will happen on Friday, October 7th.  The field trip permission slip deadline is Friday, September 30th.  And don’t forget, you’ll need to attach a copy of your “A” day schedule with your home high school teachers initials on it.  Click here for a copy of the […]


UPDATE: CETC Plant Sale ending early because of demand!

The Career Elevation and Technology Center will be ending its plant sale early this year because of a successful turn-out by the community and the sale of almost all the inventory.  The last day will be Thursday, May 26th, at 2:00 PM.  Any existing plants, except house plants, are now 50% off!  

Culinary Arts FCCLA Competition Results 2016

Our Culinary Arts students competed in the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Competition and brought back some awards:  Nathan Morris from Longmont High School     2nd place gold-knife skills Austin Coder from Silver Creek High School   1st place gold- gourmet sweet Amanda Platt from Mead High School             High […]

CETC Horticulture 2016 Spring Plant Bedding Sale

The CETC is having its annual Spring Plant Bedding Sale from April 30th to May 28th. We have annuals: ·      Petunias $4 jumbo 6-pack ·      Marigolds $3 jumbo 6-pack ·      Snapdragons $3 jumbo 6-pack ·      Pansies $3 jumbo 6-pack ·      Zinnias $3 jumbo 6-pack ·      Dahlias $3 jumbo 6-pack ·      Geraniums and more!! Come see […]


NOCOM Trade Show 2016

 ​NOCOM 2016Manufacturing Trade Show Coming toThe Ranch Events ComplexinLoveland, Colorado April 28th, 2016


Skillful Launches in Colorado to Help Companies with Skills-Based Hiring and Recruiting

 Markle Foundation, LinkedIn, Colorado Technology Association and numerous local partners celebrated the launch of Skillful today at Emily Grffith Technical College. Skillful represents a fresh approach to providing actionable information to acquire in-demand skills. While people are seeking jobs they’ll love, companies are seeking fresh talent. Companies are growing and changing rapidly due to technology and innovation, and careers are […]

Colorado Offering Reimbursement for Paid Internships

Colorado House Bill 15-1230 (passed in 2015) offers industries up to $5,000.00 to hire high school students in a PAID internship.  Students who are interested in on-the-job training in the following trades – (1) advanced manufacturing, (2) aerospace, (3) bioscience, (4) construction, (5) electronics, (6) energy & natural resources, (7) engineering, and (8) information technology […]

Career Elevation and Technology Center